What do you get when you cross funfair games, a gameshow and
a cabaret and throw in a heavy pinch of smut? You get Are You Game by Fowl
Cabaret that’s what!
I had no idea what to expect from this ‘interactive
gameshow’ but what I got was a whole lot of fun. And I wasn’t even drinking! Sober fun!
We got there and I immediately regretted my ‘day job’
clothes as we and took in everyone else’s outfits and were greeted by a sparkly
Unicorn man. People in the know had dressed for the occasion. We were given a
couple of tokens and, even though we read the ‘rules’ (No biting – only with
consent) weren’t really much the wiser as to what was going on. But it soon
became clear. The evening started with some games you could take part in, using
your tokens to ‘pay’ to take part and if you won, you got more tokens. Why
would you want more tokens? Well – to play the other games and to take part in
the installations. And to win the coveted Egg Cup award at the end.
Games on offer were Ball Buster, Panty Pinging, Scrapple,
and Waft of Fortune. Each was manned by a madcap gamesmaster who took on a
larger than life character. I never found out how Scrapple worked, but I tried
all the others. Waft of Fortune involved spinning the wheel and trying to guess
the smell you landed on. I failed. Then we tried Ball Buster – tying some
pantyhose that had two balls in the legs around your waste and then trying to
knock down some little cones before your opponent. It was much tougher than it
sounds especially when you're laughing the whole time. And finally, we pinged some panties which had the longest build up and
explanation of a game ever – far too long-winded to go into here (it involved lots of screaming and selfies).
Then we were all called over to the stage where the main
even began. First, Mystal Craze – the chance to compete for a private ‘show’ no
one else would see, and of course, some sort of glory. Two teams were pitched
against each other and had to a) create a structure out of cheese and
pineapple, b) decorate a cake blindfolded and c) eat doughnuts off their
teammate without using their hands. Naturally these doughnuts were arranged as
a bra and a pair of knickers.
We then had a musical interlude from Dr Clive singing about
cross-dressing pirates and cannibalism.
We were granted a short break to continue the game-playing mayhem
and investigate the installations. We entered the Church of Clarkson, a bizarre
shrine to Mr Jeremy C where we were accepted into the fold after a short sermon
(a reading of The World According to Clarkson) and promising to renounce Corbyn
and Piers Morgan and vote Tory.

We then returned to watch the last interactive games and the final acts on stage – some guy
sticking a drill up his nose and turning it on, someone doing a striptease that
featured cracking eggs down her naked body and culminated with pouring
copious amounts of baked beans all over herself. You know, the usual.
All of this was expertly hosted by the deliciously sexy Lolo
Brow who makes any event worth a visit.